After all I couldn't let Sunday's sunshine and pleasant temperatures go to waste now, could I? Headed out along the Lehigh Line with camera and scanner in hand to see what was running.Trackside out in Bloomsbury (NJ) saw the following trains pass by my vantage point:
8:20-NS 21M; In my opinion, this was a shorter than usual 21M when compared to previous 21M's. Power was NS 8345 (C40-8W, ex-CR 6103), NS 8851 (C40-9) and NS 8455 (C40-8W).
8:32-NS 24V; After holding on the tunnel's west side for 21M to pass, NS 2777 (SD70M-2) and NS 9463 (C40-9W) would bring this train of COFCs east.

9:25-NS 18G; Two C40-9Ws, NS 9760 and NS 9266, would bring eighty-five cars of mixed freight east.
10:20-NS 11J; Provided the nice surprise of the day. NS 9656 (C40-9W) and blue and yellow BNSF 8732 (GP60, ex-ATSF 4032) would bring 106 autoracks west. This power was the same power that brought NS 18N east on Saturday (4/21).
Not a bad way to spend this Sunday morning...