Friday, November 08, 2013

Hershey (PA)- Nine Months later

(Train sightings on 11-2-13.)

Back on February 10, 2013 while visiting Hershey, I was fortunate enough to photograph NS H2A, also known as "The Hershey Shifter", with NS 5662 (EMD GP38-2; ex-PC 7726, NS 2907 & CR 7726, all GP38s) leading a cut of cars west. In the background was the iconic smokestacks with "Hershey" spelled out in the brickwork. It is nine months later, November 2 when a similar scene is taken. NS 9535 (GE C40-9W) plus two unidentified diesels leads what I assumed was an empty coal cars west. However there is something missing in this scene. Those two smokestacks are still there but the manufacturing plant has been eliminated from this scene. 

November 2, 2013

February 10, 2013