The Santa Train
This is a great trip! Highly recommended.
This years trip will be held Saturday, December 9, 2006.
The Jersey Central Chapter, in conjunction with Santa and Mrs. Claus, operates a Santa Claus Special for the kids. This year the trip will run on Saturday, December 9, 2006. The train departs from Raritan at 8:30 AM and also from the eastbound platform (off South Avenue) of the Westfield Station in Westfield at 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. There is no afternoon departure from Raritan. The trip features Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus along with a few of Santa's helpers. There are sing-a-longs, candy canes and coloring books for the kids. In addition, each car on the train features a drawing for a trainset; that's ten train sets per trip!
The train operates west from Westfield to Highbridge, NJ and back, a two hour trip. Santa pays a visit to each car and is more than happy to pose for pictures with the kids.
This year, tickets are only $12.00 for adults and $10.00 for children under 12.
We have tickets available in the store. Cash or personal check made out to the Jersey Central Railroad Historical Society. Sorry, no credit cards for train tickets. Seating is Limited! Get your tickets now. Any available tickets will be sold at the Westfield Station the day of the trip, but there will be a $1.00 surcharge per ticket. No credit card purchases will be available the day of the trip, cash or check only.
Tickets also available at: www.santatrain.net (Be sure to use .net and not .com)