full of nice trackside surprises, some catching me off guard, on this Thursday morning along the Lehigh Line in Manville (NJ). The trains passing by my vantage point were as follows:
NS 18G @ 7:49- had in its power consist NS 9493, NS 8329, NS 3850 and NS 100. Those last two units caught me off guard as I wasn’t able to get any shots of either one (DARN!). NS 3850 was the six axle genset locomotive (model: 3GS21CDB) that has been making its way slowly east. NS 100 was a model RP20BD.
CP 38T @ 8:10- another nice surprise was the appearance of CP 38T. Motive power would be CP 8854 and CP 8774.

NS 212 @ 8:26- would have PRR 8441 (ex-CR 6268) as its leader followed by NS 2641 and NS 9578.
NS 214 @ 8:40- had UP 4417, NS 9312 and NS 2698 for power.

NS 21M @ 8:42- after holding for NS 212 and 214, 21M was on its way west behind NS 9431, NS 8955 and NS 9743.
NS 11J @ 9:07- fifty-eight empty autoracks would be headed west behind NS 9794 and NS 8888.
Not a bad way to start this July 4th holiday weekend off with a bang! Hope your holiday is both relaxing and safe.