...Saturday morning when the temperature "hovered" in the lower twenties, a person has to be devoted to railfanning or else wear plenty of layers of clothing to stay warm. For myself, I would have to answer those two questions by saying "Yes!'. The first train seen was NS 214 at 8:22 at the Lansdown Road grade crossing. My main interest in seeing this train was that the third unit was BNSF 7211. It has been a long drought for me when it comes to seeing foreign power along the LEHL. I had to feel a little compassion for some contractors that were working on some fiber optic cables along the ROW. Besides the cold, they also had to deal with the frozen ground!
Deciding to try a new location and warm up, I drove up to a new location that I have not been to previously. This spot would be the Perryville Road (MP 60.8) grade crossing. I was quite pleased with what I lensed. First train through would be NS 22V, lead by NS 7693.

Knowing that NS 64J would follow behind this train, I opted for another location near here. A mound of ballast helped to give me some elevation to snap NS 5423 rounding the curve just west of this grade crossing. After two hours of being out in the cold, I decided to head on home with what I considered a good morning of railfanning.