Just received the following announcement via email. This event is happening today! Saturday, March 27, 2010! 20th Annual NJ Railroad & Transportation Symposium
Saturday, March 27, 2010 9 AM - 5 PM Drew University - Madison NJ
This day long public event features 16 fast moving, informative, illustrated presentations on a variety of railroad, trolley, motor coach, and railroad-maritime canal topics as well as up-dates on the statewide effort to create a home for the NJ Transportation Heritage Center. You will be able to ask questions, learn, benefit and participate....
HERITAGE CENTER UPDATE: Accomplishments, current status, and future plans of our initiative in various NJ locations.
PRESERVATION & RESTORATION: See the successes of Friends, United RR Historical Society & others around the state.
EXPLORING NEW JERSEY's TRANSPORTATION HERITAGE: Presentations will cover NJ railroads, buses, trucks, canals, trolleys and ferries including planned looks at:
- Our Possible Future at Liberty State Park;
- Central RR of NJ Car Restoration of the Jersey Coast;
- Red & Tan Bus Co.;
- The Lincoln Highway in NJ;
- Rails Along the Delaware & Raritan Canal;
- Lehigh Valley RR's Pleasure Spot - Packers Island;
- Reliving the exciting life as an employee of the Central RR of NJ;
- Phillipsburg Railroad Historian's Centerville & Southwestern Railroad;
- Transporting NJ Agriculture;
- Edison 1896 -1906 Railroad films;
- and some surprises.
The day will conclude with an AUCTION of Railroad and Transport Artifacts, Publications, Memorabilia, and Model Railroad items. All proceeds go to the Heritage Center.
Attendees will receive a free packet of magazines and other printed material. EXHIBITS, SHOW & TELL ITEMS, FREE LITERATURE: On display will be artifacts, models, brochures, handouts, literature, flyers of future events, samples of publications from your nonprofit organization, and anything else focusing on NJ transportation.
HISTORIC RAILROAD & TRANSPORTATION ENTERTAINMENT (100% NJ): Guaranteed to educate and to be enjoyable as well as rewarding, plus there will be an information packet for each attendee.
Sponsored by the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center.
The public is invited - bring your friends! Nearly 150 attended last year!
LOCATION: Drew University, Hall of Science Auditorium, Route 124 (Madison Ave./Main St.) Madison , just west of the town center, within a very easy walk from the NJ Transit - Madison Railroad Station. (The Hall is located at the east side of the campus - closest to the NJT station.)
DIRECTIONS: Drew University, Hall of Science Auditorium, Route 124 (Madison Ave./Main St.) Madison - just west of the center of town, within walking distance of the NJ Transit Madison Railroad Station. (The Hall is located at the east side of the campus - closest to the NJT station.)
Individuals needing special assistance should contact "Friends" @ (908) 464-9335 and we will notify Drew University.
Admission with Lunch for Friends members: $30.00 each at the door.
Admission with Lunch plus Friends 2010 individual membership*: $50.00 at the door.
*(Membership categories are:
- Individual $20;
- Family $25;
- Organization $50;
- Supporting $100; and
- Benefactor $500
Please make check payable to "F of NJ THC"