In my quest to get some LEHL fall foliage shots, Saturday’s travels took me to a number of places in NJ. This day would start out in Pattenburg where Musconetcong Mountain had a wide swath of golden foliage made even brighter with ample sunshine. Alas, the one item needed to complete this scene, namely an eastbound train, never passed by my location. Two westbounders, NS 21M and NS 11J (with 89 autoracks) did pass by but my preference on this day was for an eastbound train. Following the sun east to Stanton Station, I finally managed to photograph some color along the ROW. Unfortunately it was a red fox that that I spotted and photographed as it crossed over the ballast.

Later in the day at Hillsborough’s Valley Road grade crossing (MP40), another “autumn color” appeared. This time it was the UP 7392’s amour yellow leading NS 212 as it headed east around 2:30.
NS 19G was holding on the Roycefield Runner siding until 212 cleared. As 19G pulled out on to the main, the trees color’s adjacent to the ROW were also bland and nothing to be whistled at.
Oh well, guess there is always next fall to try and capture that fall foliage image, eh?