Thanksgiving was a rather cold and blustry day to be trackside. Before my fingers became too cold, I was able to record what trains would pass by my locations. By time sequence,the trains seen passing through Manville on the Trenton and Lehigh Lines were as follows:
8:30 CSX Q409- CSX 5117 (AC44CW) and CSX 647 (AC60CW) would bring this train of mixed freight west and then south on the Trenton Line.
9:10 CSX yard engines CSX 2795 (GP38-2, ex-CR 8234) and CSX 4452 (GP40-2, ex-CR3403) shuffling two muncipal waste container cars on the ex-Reading Line.

9:35 NS 212- NS 8831 (C40-9), NS 9714 and NS 9466 (C40-9W) was the motive power on this mixed train of auto racks and intermodal cars.
9:55 NS 18G- had a rather short mixed freight with NS 9134 (C40-9W) and NS 2508 (SD70) as its power consist.
Hope that this day after Thanksgiving doesn't find you saying "Ohhh... I shouldn't have eaten that last piece of pumpkin pie!"