...because they would be the only trains I saw today while trackside. The first NS train was 214. It came through Bridgewater around 8 AM with NS 9068, NS 9620 and NS 6684 for power.

Heading over to Manville, I waited for NS 21M to head west at 8:49 with a power consist of NS 9659, NS 8419 and NS 9791. 21M would be instructed to take the siding at MP 51 for 22V and 212. At 9:35, NS 22V came through with NS 9841 and NS 8366. Stenciled beneath 8366's number of the cab's side was "CRCX". More on what this designates later. About 20 minutes later, NS 212 would come through with NS 8446, NS 8974 and NS 7599. Beneath 8974 cab's number was "PRRX" I would later learn that if a diesel has CRCX, that indicates the locomotive is a former CR unit leased by NS. PRRX means the locomotive is a former CR unit now owned by NS. As to why NS did this, I have no idea.

My final train of the morning would be NS empty autorack train 11J. It's motive power consisted of NS 9669 and NS 9029 was nothing be to whistled at.

Had a very amusing incident take place while waiting for 11J. A van pulled up alongside my location and the man on the passenger side asked me if I was a train buff or photographer. My response was "Both!" With that, he said he had something for me and getting out of the van, He handed me a button that said "I Luv RR". I thought that was very nice of them and thanked them. That button now is pinned to my camera bag. Not a bad way to end this morning, eh?