Thursday, July 02, 2009

There is an old adage...

(Train sightings on 6-28-09.)

...that says when a person is trackside that "ten minutes after you depart, that is when a train will appear." Such was the case on my Sunday morning trip up to the Lansdown Road grade crossing. My goal was to get a shot of the solar powered friction management system NS had installed there as an eastbound train was passing by. With good sunlight this morning, I decided to see if I could accomplish that goal. The first train to come through at 9:06 was NS 22V, Not a bad shot but not what I was hoping for. About thirty-five minutes later, NS 18G came through around 9:42.

Okay, each scene was getting better. At 11 o'clock, with no activity on the scanner, I decided to call it a morning and head for home. Wouldn't you know it, driving home on Route 31, the scanner came alive! It was NS 212 coming east. Since it was too late to turn around and drive back. I opted to catch it at Stanton Station (which was shaded in!) to see it come through with a ex-CR diese l as its leader. Ahhh... if only I had waited ten minutes more, that would have been the shot I was hoping for at Lansdown Road.